Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Cardio Vascular Endurance is the ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood, and respiratory system to supply oxygen and fuel to the muscles at a steady rate for a considerable length of time.

Other possible names:
-Aerobic Endurance
-Cardio Vascular Fitness
-Cardio Respiratory Fitness

Changes during aerobic activity:
-Heart pumps faster and more blood
-Lungs increase volume of air
-Muscles contract at greater speed
-Body temp rises and sweat occurs

Benefits of cardio vascular development:
-Heart becomes more efficient
-Blood volume and cells increase
-Decreases resting blood pressure
-Arteries grow larger
-Diaphragm grows stronger
-Lungs become more expandable
-Decreases body fat
-Increases energy level
-Reduces risk of heart diseases
-Reduces risk of an early death

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